Tag: PDi DMS

Search PDiDMS Depository

PDi DMS allows the user to search depositories for all documents based on criteria using the fields that have been defined within the depository.

Once a list of documents is located, they are displayed in the grid, and the document (image or PDF) is displayed below. Images can be adjusted and resaved if required. All images or PDFs can also be queued for emailing or uploading to your cloud storage service.

Assign Document to PDiDMS Depository

Documents can be scanned to the user assigning folder or moved from another folder (useful if your scanner scans to a remote folder. Documents can also be retrieved from an FTP site or from your cloud storage; we currently support DropBox, GoogleDrive, and OneDrive.

Documents in the assigning folder can be deleted or moved to another user for assigning. TIF files can also be combined into a single multipage image.

Select a document and depository to assign to; the fields linked to that depository will be displayed, captured, and assigned to the document to the depository. All documents (images, PDFs) will be encrypted to view only within the PDi DMS application.


Mantain PDiDMS Depository

Maintain PDiDMS DepositoryDepositories created can be maintained at any time to add new fields, change settings and remove fields.

Depositories can be completely removed using this function and turned off so that they are no longer available.

Create PDiDMS Depository

PDi DMS allows you to create depositories to hold your scanned or retrieved documents. You can define as many or as few fields as required setting the field types and field sizes, if the field is required and whether it is linked to a user-definable lookup table.

Once the required fields have been created, the depository can be created at any time. The depository can be edited to add or remove fields.


Create PDi DMS database

PDi Database Management System (PDi DMS) uses a SQL database to hold your depository information, user, policies, and settings for the application. The video below shows how to create your database and set up the users who will access your system.

PDiDMS can have multiple databases if you have multiple companies or just want multiple PDiDMS databases.